Welcome to a brand new series on The Grace Space! I'm so excited to kick off a power-packed introduction to the Laws of the Universe called Walk in Grace.
And that's exactly what you'll learn to do through this series, walk in grace, in harmony with the laws of Creation. We’re going to be looking at a bunch of different universal laws, how they work, and how to get in harmony with them, because once you do, your life is going to flow with so much more ease and grace.
What are the Universal Laws? Simply put, they are immutable principles that form the process by which the invisible becomes the visible. And they are your key to health, wealth, and true happiness.
My aim through this series is to increase your fluency with these laws by which you create your reality so that you can become the conscious creator of your life. Today we begin with the Law of Thinking.
In this episode you'll learn
There's something holding you back. It's invisible. It's in every cell of your being. And it's been sabotaging you your whole life. Every time you wanted something but you were afraid to go for it. Every time you had an idea that you talked yourself out of. Every time you had a dream that gradually faded away.... it was there.
You were programmed. We were all programmed. And there was nothing we could do about it. Up until now.
Today in The Grace Space we're going to talk about the mental program that's kept you inside a box for as long as you can remember. Everybody's got one. It's called a paradigm, and it's a prison of limitation that no amount of intellect can break you out of.
You can graduate from the best schools with the highest honours, but they didn't give you what you really needed to make your way in life: awareness.
Awareness is your key to transcending your paradigm.
The paradigm is a mental program that has almost...
50% Complete
You deserve to live a life you truly love living. Learn to activate your highest potential now!