A FREE 5-Day Personal Growth Intensive
FREE 5-Day Intensive Coaching Course
Are you ready for a quantum leap in your life? Join us for Standing Firm When Your World Is Shaking
We're all in this together
Standing Firm When Your World is Shaking is a 5-Day Coaching Intensive delivered entirely online, and it's entirely FREE.
My gift to you.
This is a power-packed experience designed to help you gain a new perspective on any challenge you may be facing now, or any shadows from the past that may be keeping you from moving forward and expressing your full potential in life.
If you feel the call, answer it.
Self-paced! Complete on your own schedule.
**Online delivery via your private course portal**
**Complete each session at your own pace**
This program is for you if...
- You know NOW is your time to prioritize and up-level your wellness practices, relationship tools, and work-life harmony.
- The current world situation is causing extra stress and you’d love some support and personal coaching to navigate all the many changes in your life right now.
- You want tools and strategies to help boost your positive mindset and stay calm, confident, focused, and be your most resilient self during these turbulent times.
This Intensive Coaching Program will help you turn a traumatic 'Dark Night' experience into a new beginning.
Session One – The Dark Night: In the first session, you will learn to use your Dark Night of the Soul as a forward-momentum builder. You will look at all the ups and down and find a way to relate to it that is empowering to you.
Session Two – The Hero’s Journey: In this session, you will learn the three major phases of the hero’s journey. You will discover the opportunity you have is to take another look at one of your dark nights and ask if there are gifts that are yet to be received from it.
Session Three – Harvesting The Good: This session you will help you let go of your ego attitude and choose an empowering perspective about the dark time. You will learn to neutralize the emotional charge of your dark night by discovering the gifts you can gain from it.
Session Four – An Opportunity for a New Beginning: In the final session, you will learn to transform your Dark Night experience into the gift of a new beginning, and recognize when life is signaling you to get back on course. During this lesson you also create a support structure for the changes you would love to implement in your life. You will learn to connect with your inner sanctuary where you are protected from the elements of circumstance and discover a higher version of yourself.
FREE 5-Day Intensive Coaching Course
Are you ready for a quantum leap in your life? Join us for Standing Firm When Your World Is Shaking