The Future is created in the NOW
I specialize in Consciousness Coaching:
Helping you awaken to the Truth of who you really are.
Discovering the deeper dimension of your nature helps you heal the past so that you can consciously manifest a life you love, in harmony with the Laws of Life and your Highest Purpose.
Gifts For You
5 Simple Shifts to Eliminate Stress and Recover From Burnout
Join Claire for this FREE Webinar that will shift your perspective and introduce you to a new way to live with ease and grace.
Watch The Webinar!

Standing Firm When Your World is Shaking
This amazing program, originally created as a gift to humanity by my mentor Mary Morrissey, is delivered by me as a 5-day Personal Growth Intensive, specifically oriented toward helping you to process and heal trauma, past or present.
Now more than ever, we need to develop our capacity to allow uncertainty to propel us into greater Presence. There is a blessing in EVERY situation. Standing Firm will show you how to get the gift.
Learn MorePersonal Vision Workshop Mini-Course
There are hidden Laws that govern success. The purpose of life is to awaken to those laws and come into harmony with them, for a life of greater ease and grace.
I lead you through a special Vision Workshop designed to help you discover the two sacred signals from Spirit which point you toward a deeper dimension of your nature where deep joy, peace and fulfillment reside. From this space, you can create anything you want. Take your first step here.
Learn More
Home Study Programs
The Empowered Artist Home Study Course
This self-paced 7-Module transformational program is for the Artist in you -- whether you're a professional performer, writer, designer, director, or visual artist.
Are you struggling to make it to the next level of your career as a performing artist or Show Business Professional? Are you frustrated because the decisions that affect your life and career often seem to be in someone else's hands? Do you sometimes feel discouraged by ‘the business’, creatively muted, or stressed about making a living as an Artist? There is a way to consciously build the life you would love as an Artist without sacrificing your integrity or having to 'take whatever you can get' just to be working.
Many Artists suffer from fear, anxiety and depression in an uncertain and constantly changing professional landscape. These negative emotions can be paralyzing and limit your opportunities and earning potential, not to mention your long-term emotional and physical wellbeing. You don’t have to live this way. You can be an Artist AND be successful and happy.

From Burnout to Bliss in 40 Days with Kundalini Yoga
This 8-week transformational program is proven and tested to help you recover from burnout, physical and spiritual exhaustion.
Right from the beginning, we bring your nervous system out of the stress response with a simple, approachable yoga practice that balances your body, mind and emotions (no experience necessary)! You go through a 40-day deep-dive journey of yoga, breath and emotional processing that completely rebuilds and reboots your system. Benefit from a program syllabus that takes you week-by-week from burnout to your natural state, which is bliss.
As you raise your vibration week-by-week you’ll feel lighter, more energized and joyful, and you’ll attract higher levels of abundance, greater harmony in your relationships, and a much deeper sense of serenity and peace that nothing can shake.
Most importantly, you will have a new life-long skillset no one and nothing can take away from you, and you’ll be able to continue to use these tools to help yourself and those you care about most achieve a kind of freedom in life that most people only dream about.
By the time you finish the course, you’ll be reborn: super clear on your direction in life, connected to your purpose, and have the tools to consciously manifest your best life with ease and grace.
"I would highly recommend this course to anyone who is feeling lost, hopeless, or fearful. Anyone that lives on the hamster wheel. This course has helped me to get my life back. I can actually sleep at night now, no more nightmares. I can stop at anytime during my day and breathe deeply and know that everything is going to be okay. I understand now that I can make my life be anything I want my life to be. And that is true freedom!"
-- Darla Wesley
Personal Coaching with Claire
Live a Conscious Life with Mentorship and Support
True and lasting transformation takes place in what I call the Triangle of Transformation. This synergy of Vision, Structure of Support and Mentorship is crucial for those who are ready to bring forth a greater life.
With programs ranging from 3 to 15 months, one-on-one or in groups, my team and I provide you with a robust, world-class curriculum ideal for dissolving limitation in all its forms, triggering your recognition of Truth and embodying a higher vibration of consciousness.
The most important wisdom for your wellbeing and fulfillment is not currently taught in school; in fact, up until very recently, the great majority of people on our planet lived and died without ever being aware of or accessing this information.
If you are reading these words, your orbit has intersected with it by Grace.
We are blessed to be living in a time of great change and planetary awakening, where more and more people are waking up from the dream of form. The greatest good you can do, the highest service you can render yourself, your loved ones, and planet Earth, is to free yourself from identification with the paradigms at the root of all human suffering. Come into harmony with your True Nature as a unique and precious expression of the One Life in All.
If you know that awakening is your highest priority and are ready to commit to the path of growth, choose the highest level of support I offer.
Working in a personal coaching relationship means I hold the space of transformation for you in direct Presence.
Learn more about Personal Coaching
Breakthrough Call: 75 minutes
A highly powerful session where we go deep and get clear on where you are right now, where you'd love to be, and what action steps and support you need to get there.
I'm here to empower you to say YES to yourself.
Ready to dive in? A Breakthrough Session is a highly valuable, 60-minute one-on-one conversation where we will get clear on where you are now, what you would love for your life, and the path that will move you in the direction of your dreams.