The Gifts of Grace: Intuition

Season #1 Episode #13

Imagine if you knew there was a power within you, a voice you could ask about anything you want to know, like your own personal genie. What if this voice had the answer to any question you could possibly ask, the solution to every problem you could ever encounter, and knew the path to any dream you could conceive of in your mind?

You do have this power. It's called your intuition.

Intuition is a word most people are familiar with, even if they're not sure what it is exactly, how it works, or if they 'have it'.

In this episode of The Grace Space, you'll learn that you already have perfect intuition. You'll discover:

  • how to access the Infinite Intelligence much as you would ask a question of a search engine
  • why and how we reject information from our intuition, and how to recognize and trust its voice when it speaks to us (which is ALL THE TIME)
  • the relationship between your conscious mind, your subconscious mind, the Infinite Intelligence and the intuition

We'll break down how these different aspects of Mind work together (or not, when we get in the way), and how the intuitive faculty harmonizes us with the Infinite Intelligence which is constantly seeking to expand our good and bring us greater aliveness -- if we allow it to!

I also share a practice with you to open your channel and increase your receptivity to the guidance that is seeking you always.

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