The Grace Space

The Grace Space

Hosted by: Claire Lautier

The Grace Space is your cocoon of sanity in an evolving world, where we learn about spiritual law, and how to apply it to our lives in a way that is practical and life-changing. I give you tools for creating a life...


Open Wide The Door

Season #4

Don't be afraid. Open wide the doors to your life.  In this final episode of Season 4, I share with you a synchronistic -- and recent -- story about two very special crystals of mine that broke on the same day, and...
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Coming Home

Season #4

When we're going through the most challenging times of our lives, we have a huge opportunity to discover Wholeness.  The last year has been such a challenge for me.  Up against my deepest fears and most entrenched...
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Blossom From Within

Season #4

Grasse Roots Perfumery: What my self-guided intuitive apprenticeship in perfume making taught me about beauty, harmony, alchemy, and blossoming from within. Many years ago, galvanized by a powerfully liberating dream...
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Sacred Intimacy: The Untold Secrets of Vitamin P Part 2

Season #4

"When we're not afraid, we take very different actions in the world." -- Megan Macdonald Who would you be if you totally trusted Life? What would you create?  How would you go about your day, stand, walk and talk? If...
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Sacred Intimacy: The Untold Secrets of Vitamin P

Season #4

What if I told you there's a perfect healing medicine tailor-made for YOU, and available to you every minute of every day? And it's totally, 100% free? Imagine that you had access to your own inner pharmacy. A place...
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Sacred Intimacy: La Petite Mort

Season #4

Women: are you on speaking terms with your Yoni? If not, you're missing out on one of life's most fulfilling relationships. We have no idea the power we possess right in our very own bodies.  For thousands of years,...
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Sacred Intimacy: The Master Of The Space

Season #4

Are you truly the Master of your space? If you think mind control is limited to fictional sinister dystopian TV shows and movies -- think again. The whole point of mind control is that you don’t even realize you’re...
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Sacred Intimacy: Go Wild

Season #4

Are you still wild? Or has your wildness been civilized all the way out of you? How far have you drifted from Nature? Sacred Intimacy is the naturalness of simply being as you are, and that’s anchored in your...
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Sacred Intimacy: Confession

Season #4

Confession is good for the Soul. And the brain.  It's time we told ourselves the truth about some things and connected the dots. The dots in here -- reconnecting the parts of our brain that have been disconnected from...
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Every Week A Little Death: Supernova

Season #4

"Chance is but a name for Law not recognized." -- The Kybalion We're living in a time of unprecedented chaos and uncertainty. Look around, and it seems like so many things are falling apart. Because they are. And yet,...
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Every Week A Little Death: Mother of Dragons

Season #4

The best thing to do when Life is purifying you is to surrender. Or... add fuel to the fire. Purification is a necessary and natural process on the spiritual path. But it burns. How do you know you’re being...
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Every Week A Little Death: Ethical Relationship 2

Season #4

In an unconscious relationship, you're always working on the other person. In a conscious, ethical relationship, you're always working on yourself. In today's episode of The Grace Space, I share what I've learned from...
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