The Grace of Gratitude: Everything is Freely Given

Season #1 Episode #107

Consciously making the effort to practice gratitude regardless of our circumstances is like placing a magnifying lens on all that is good in our life, and causing that good to grow.
The truth is we all have the opportunity to choose who we’re going to be, what we’re going to focus on and where we’re going to place our attention in every moment, even though sometimes it may be difficult to choose gratitude when we only see what's missing, or wrong, or wishing things could be different.

In victim consciousness, which is a consciousness of separation, we tend to be convinced by appearances and mistake them for Truth. Gratitude helps us come back into unity consciousness, the felt understanding that we are one with creation, and that a higher order prevails, no matter what we are presented with on the level of facts.

In this episode, I go more deeply into how the practice of gratitude, as a way of life, connects us with Divine Grace. Here's what you'll discover:

  • how to claim your birthright as a child of the Infinite through your practice of gratitude
  • why the universe WANTS you to fulfill your heart's deepest longings, and how to work with gratitude to open the flood gates of receiving
  • how to use your superpower of attention to amplify the good in your life and tap into universal abundance

And much more.

I also start you out with a simple but powerfully effective gratitude practice to use for the next 7 days, and a list of questions to journal on.

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