Inner Alchemy IV: Quantum Problem-Solving
Got problems? Want to solve them? Listen on!
What's the first thing we need to understand to solve a problem?
That there are no problems.
Only situations.
Perception is what makes a situation into a problem.
Unless you're a mathematician, a problem is usually a situation you don't want or that you feel 'shouldn't be happening'.
This sets up resistance to the situation -- force. And what comes back? Counter-force.
We also tend to see the problem as 'out there', and set about acting on the situation, trying to manage, control, or influence those involved.
But this is a waste of energy. Even if we do change the situation, we usually create karma, i.e. consequences.
This week in The Grace Space, we're going to shift our paradigm around what a problem is, and how to solve it.
(Hint: YOU are not doing the solving).
It's a kind of non-linear 'quantum problem-solving'.
Think of it this way.
Reality is a mirror. It reflects back to you an image of yourself -- not your outside, your inside!
Whatever energy you hold within yourself is reflected back.
Whatever problems show up in your reality are a reflection of something within your own Being.
There is no 'out there'. There is only 'in here'.
The really good news is... it means you can solve any problem in your reality -- from within.
In this episode, I share with you...
- what a problem ACTUALLY is -- and why it's showing up
- how a conscious person works with the energy of a problem
- a simple and extremely powerful mantra that opens a channel for the highest outcome for any 'problem' you are facing
- why you don't have to worry about or 'try' to solve problems
I also recount the story of my (totally imagined) rivalry with a friend, and how it kept me guilty, self-conscious, and driving with the brake on for years.
Quantum problem-solving is so much easier. It's such a relief. You don't have to do any heavy lifting.
Listen now to learn how!