The Path of Grace: My Journey Part 7

Season #3

Every hero's journey needs a trip down to the underworld. Here's mine.

This is the story of how I went from living on the surface of life to diving down into my own darkness to rescue a slumbering princess -- me.

But not the me I thought I was. This was the frozen Light of my Soul, imprisoned in cold glass, and buried in the land of the Dead out of loyalty to a long gone, beloved father.

I share with you how I was made aware of it one rainy morning in the Alps, and the tool I was given to begin my journey.

We'll also talk about...

  • recognizing the mask of the false self, and allowing yourself to be seen
  • the difference between spiritual work and esoteric distractions that keep us from facing what we need to face
  • the relationship between the ego-mask and the suppressed and repressed aspects of ourselves that form the Shadow self
  • how to let go of guilt and see the 'disasters' of your life as beautiful orchestrations of the Soul
  • the question you should always ask first before 'what should I do?'

And much more, including anchoring your Soul Body, the metaphor of the stage, and parts of your life you forgot all about because you just couldn't process them.

We all have a shadow self. But the shadow is nothing to be afraid of.

In fact, the shadow is the portal to the Light.


The floor is officially open for your questions (see the link below to submit yours), to which I will devote an entire future episode! 

Submit your questions for Q&A:


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