The Path of Grace: My Journey Part 9

Season #3

What's in a name? Potentially, the frequency of your Higher Self.

This is the story of how I learned to accept, embrace, and begin to embody my spiritual name.

Spiritual naming has a long tradition in ancient cultures; a spiritual name is a guide in the awakening of consciousness which affirms your spiritual destiny and elevates your spirit.

A spiritual name contains mantric sounds which beneficially affect your energy meridians and even influence brain activity when spoken or meditated upon.

It also acts as a challenge to uproot everything in you that feels small and unworthy.

In this episode, I share...

  • how I felt about my spiritual name when I first received it, and why it took me so long to adopt it
  • what my spiritual name taught me about true bravery and courage
  • the spiritual saboteur that leads to hiding, pretending, and causes our greatness to die inside us unexpressed, and how to transcend it
  • how I got through some of the darkest periods of despair in my journey

And much more... including soul star chakra activation, my little cocoon in Carcassonne, pulling a hukam for guidance, and becoming the peaceful warrior.


The floor is officially open for your questions (see the link below to submit yours), to which I will devote an entire future episode! 

Submit your questions for Q&A:


Bonus Links!

As a Spiritual Coach, Certified Life Mastery Consultant, and Certified Teacher of Kundalini Yoga, I provide impactful, transformational coaching through a variety of powerful programs.

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