Inner Alchemy X: Ascension Toolbox

Season #3

Shedding density? Going crystalline? Feeling spacey? Dear Human, here are some tools to ease your transition to the 5th dimension.

Does it sometimes feel like you've been shot out of a cannon, or that things are happening so fast it's blowing your hair back?

That's Ascension, baby. 

And it's happening whether you want it to or not.

We are moving from one octave to another, vibrationally speaking.

If you live on planet Earth -- and if you're reading this, you probably do -- it's mandatory.

We can go willingly, embracing the changes, and see this as an exciting time we were born for and that our souls have chosen to experience...

...or you can succumb to fear, negativity and despair as the old world crumbles.

We must choose the reality we want to live in. It's up to us.

These tools can help you make the transition from density to Light body.

The alchemical keys that I've been sharing with you during this series belong in your Ascension Toolbox. 

Whenever you feel stuck, heavy, emotional or even in a full-on freak-out, these little phrases can point you back to Truth.

I know, because I've tested them all. On myself.

In this episode, we'll...

  • review all the alchemical keys of this series and which might be best suited to your situation

  • learn more about Ascension, why some things look like they're falling apart, and how to make it easier on yourself

  • discover why you only need one tool to undo the entire structure of the ego -- and why we still avoid committing to it

  • see how to recognize and avoid one of the main pitfalls of the spiritual seeker

And much more, including solar flares, the astral sideshow, and how great we all are at collapsing the wave function. I also share with you the tool I'm using most right now, and how it's changing my life.

Submit your questions and leave an email for Q&A episodes:

And as promised, links to previous episodes on Ascension:

From 3D to 5D: You're not crazy, you're Ascending

From 3D to 5D: Kundalini Rising Part 1

From 3D to 5D: Kundalini Rising Part 2


Bonus Links!

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