Inner Alchemy VIII: Yours For The Asking
There's no such thing as luck. But there is such a thing as 'baraka': good fortune and divine blessing.
Divine Order and Justice are supreme in the Universe. Nothing is random and everything is expressing its essence perfectly, regardless of our judgments and opinions.
In a paradigm of causality, where we believe that one thing is causing another, it's easy to convince yourself that life is unfair or that some people have all the luck while others don't.
But when we go beyond the linearity of the Newtonian paradigm and into the Quantum realm of reality, we realize that everything in our experience unfolds from our vibrational interaction with the Field of Consciousness.
I've had the great good fortune of learning from two amazing 'lucky' people in my life: my brother and my husband. They make life look easy; but believe me, luck has nothing to do with it.
What some people call luck is really all about who you are BEING.
And when you embody kindness, generosity, playfulness, gratitude, humour, lovingness, trust, and joy, the universe opens the doors for you and you are provided for.
In fact, everything we need is freely given to us. Whatever you need is yours for the asking.
In this episode, you'll learn...
- a new alchemical key phrase that connects you with the Divine principles of abundance and compensation
- how to increase your chances of experiencing 'baraka'
- the biggest lie we've been sold that keeps us spiritually and financially disempowered
- the most important declaration you can make to the Universe that gets the 'little me' out of the way and opens the channels for your good to flow to you
And much more, including the special power of Cat Daddies, fig trees, and the story behind this podcast's theme music!
Join me now in The Grace Space.
To listen to the popular series I mention in this episode on How I Manifested My Dream Home:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5:
Part 6: