Manifest Grace: Don't Worry. Be Happy :-)


This series Manifest Grace is an in-depth exploration of the intimate details of our most private and public human process – the act of generating of our reality.

In this episode, we look at how the habit of worry keeps us stuck in cycles of struggle, robs us of our natural joy, and manifests more things to worry about!

You'll learn...

  • why the source of worry is the illusion of control 
  • how our results and outcomes in life are actually produced, and why worry is futile, superfluous and unnecessary
  • how we disempower ourselves and others when we worry

The habit of worry is a well-worn groove in our neural pathways. I share a story from my own life that showed me just how hard-wired I had been for worry, 

And most importantly, I give you a process for reconnecting with your essence, to help you come out of struggle when the vibration of worry is established in the body.


Bonus Content and Links!

PDF Download: Tune Into Your Essence

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Related Episodes

Manifest Your Dynamic Destiny with Peggy McColl
Walk in Grace: The Law of Sacrifice
Walk in Grace: The Law of Non-Resistance
Manifest Grace: Your Marvelous Mind
Walk in Grace: The Law of Obedience
Walk in Grace: The Law of Thinking
Walk in Grace: The Law of Attraction

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