In this interview with my good friend Alison Wearing, we explore how to make sense of our lives through the act of writing, and ultimately, transcend the stories that have defined us so that we can be free to become truly the authors of our own lives.
Alison is a bestselling, multiple award-winning writer, playwright and performer -- a multi-talented adventurer with deep insight into the transformational process.
Join our conversation where we discuss...
"The work we need to do to create great art is actually the same work we need to do to become a fuller, richer, more expansive human being”, Alison says. This goes to the heart of our illuminating and inspiring...
When we become aware of Spiritual Law and begin to take responsibility for our creations, we feel a new sense of empowerment. To realize our thinking is at the root of what we manifest in life is also tremendously liberating.
It is still easy to get caught up in striving, however. As we deepen our understanding of the Law through direct experience, we come to realize that we can only create from our current level of awareness.
If we are conceive of the future, our 'dream life', as being 'better' than the present moment, we are trapped in dualistic thinking, and missing the only access point there is for true creativity and intelligence, and our dreams, to enter into our lives: the NOW.
In this episode, you will learn...
This series Manifest Grace is an in-depth exploration of the intimate details of our most private and public human process – the act of generating of our reality.
In this episode, we look at how the habit of worry keeps us stuck in cycles of struggle, robs us of our natural joy, and manifests more things to worry about!
You'll learn...
The habit of worry is a well-worn groove in our neural pathways. I share a story from my own life that showed me just how hard-wired I had been for worry,
And most importantly, I give you a process for reconnecting with your essence, to help you come out of struggle when the vibration of worry is established in the body.
Manifest Grace is a new series whose purpose is to get into your most intimate creative act: how you manifest your reality, either consciously or unconsciously.
The process of manifestation is a love story between the conscious and subconscious mind. In order to direct this immense power you possess intelligently, you must understand this primal relationship.
In today's episode of The Grace Space, you will learn
I also share with you a process that...
Welcome to the continuation of our series Walk in Grace, where each week we are examining in depth the different facets of Universal Law.
The Law is One, and yet as we discover and deepen our understanding of its different threads of power, we find our spiritual power increasing, and our consciousness opening up to greater and greater horizons.
It is in the study and embodiment of the Laws that we come to value and profoundly respect them, and as we do so we naturally come into harmony with the Law of Obedience.
The Law of Obedience is not subservience to some external or oppressive power. Rather, it is obedience to the Laws of your Being, and what is natural to your True Self.
In this episode, you'll learn
Welcome as we continue in our study and discovery of the Universal Laws by which this entire creation operates, and by which we ourselves are operating whether we realize it or not!
Forgiveness is a Law of the Universe, honoured as a main pillar of every spiritual tradition.
It is a radical and powerful way of life that builds a bridge between our finite self and our Infinite Nature.
Forgiveness is sometimes misunderstood as excusing bad behaviour or forgetting about the past, but it's actually a dynamic and cleansing act of self-love that delivers peace of mind and develops spiritual muscle.
In today's episode, you'll learn...
You can have anything you truly want if you understand the immutable Laws of Creation. In this series Walk in Grace, we're looking at a different facet of the Law each week to help you deepen your understanding so you can gain mastery over your creative powers.
Today we're discovering the Law of Compensation, which will help you actualize the highest version of yourself and realize your highest potential. As you do so, you naturally harmonize with the Law of Compensation, and will be richly rewarded for giving of your highest gifts.
In this episode, you will learn...
A great master of yoga was once asked to define enlightenment. He answered simply, “No stress.” That may seem overly simple at first glance, but it’s actually very profound. Stress is a sign that we’re out of the flow.
Today in The Grace Space: The Law of Attraction.
Wallace Wattles said, "The laws which govern every individual are as exact as the laws which govern the material universe. The Law of Attraction will deliver to you what you do not want as quickly and as certainly as it will deliver what you do want."
Even though many people have heard of the Law of Attraction, that doesn't mean they have any true understanding of it or how to use it to benefit themselves. We're all subject to the Law of Attraction at all times, but if we don't understand it clearly, we often end up attracting what we don't want.
Which is exactly why I created this episode: to help you understand the subtleties of this Law which are often...
During this new series Walk in Grace, we’re studying the laws of the universe and how to get into harmony with them. This is the very best thing you can do for yourself, as understanding these laws is crucial to your health, wealth and happiness.
Today in The Grace Space we’re going to explore the Law of Supply.
The essence of the Law of Supply is that there is infinite supply, and you deserve as much of it as you can ask for. Whenever and wherever there is a demand, the supply will always be there, and it is infinite in nature. But to activate the Law of Supply, you have to ASK!
In this episode, you'll learn
Welcome to a brand new series on The Grace Space! I'm so excited to kick off a power-packed introduction to the Laws of the Universe called Walk in Grace.
And that's exactly what you'll learn to do through this series, walk in grace, in harmony with the laws of Creation. We’re going to be looking at a bunch of different universal laws, how they work, and how to get in harmony with them, because once you do, your life is going to flow with so much more ease and grace.
What are the Universal Laws? Simply put, they are immutable principles that form the process by which the invisible becomes the visible. And they are your key to health, wealth, and true happiness.
My aim through this series is to increase your fluency with these laws by which you create your reality so that you can become the conscious creator of your life. Today we begin with the Law of Thinking.
In this episode you'll learn
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You deserve to live a life you truly love living. Learn to activate your highest potential now!