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NOW LIVE Podcast Episode 3

Listen To My Latest Podcast Episode: NOW LIVE Podcast Episode 3

The Gifts of Grace: The Will


Will is one of your spiritual gifts, but most people misunderstand what this power is. When I refer to the spiritual will, it has nothing to do with what we traditionally think of as willpower.

So often when we use our will, we end up in push energy, control, manipulation, or some other form of compulsion, either toward ourselves, other people or situations. This kind of willpower belongs to the consciousness of struggle, where we are focused on the outside world of facts and conditions and attempt to impose our will on matter. It is the least efficient way to operate and only leads to frustration and eventual failure.

The spiritual gift of The Will is altogether different. It works together with your imagination, and is your ability to focus the beam of your attention consciously and consistently on the image born of your imagination -- your vision -- regardless of any appearances or circumstances or conditions in the present that might contradict...

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