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NOW LIVE Podcast Episode 3

Listen To My Latest Podcast Episode: NOW LIVE Podcast Episode 3

Choose Your New Frequency with Kristina Furia


My guest in The Grace Space today is Transformation Coach Kristina Furia of Your New Frequency.

Kristina spent the first ten years of her career as a mental health counselor and psychotherapist before realizing her true calling as a transformational teacher and coach.

I’ve asked her to talk about the part of us that can never lie: the vibrational level of our being, our frequency, and how that frequency determines our experience, as well as how to shift our frequency so that we can change our results in life.

Among other things, you'll learn...

  • Kristina's practical and actionable techniques for helping  you manifest a life of greater ease
  • how to move to a new frequency and embody a new energetic signature without denying or repressing 'negative' emotions
  • how to achieve emotional mastery through the physics of transformation

One of my favourite things Kristina said during our interview was "There will be a day where not...

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Walk in Grace: The Law of Attraction


A great master of yoga was once asked to define enlightenment. He answered simply, “No stress.” That may seem overly simple at first glance, but it’s actually very profound. Stress is a sign that we’re out of the flow.

Today in The Grace Space: The Law of Attraction.

Wallace Wattles said, "The laws which govern every individual are as exact as the laws which govern the material universe. The Law of Attraction will deliver to you what you do not want as quickly and as certainly as it will deliver what you do want."

Even though many people have heard of the Law of Attraction, that doesn't mean they have any true understanding of it or how to use it to benefit themselves. We're all subject to the Law of Attraction at all times, but if we don't understand it clearly, we often end up attracting what we don't want.

Which is exactly why I created this episode: to help you understand the subtleties of this Law which are often...

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The Gifts of Grace: Perception


Here we are in our last episode in the series The Gifts of Grace.

We’ve been studying the higher mental faculties, spiritual gifts that we’ve all been given so that we may communicate with the Infinite Intelligence which is everywhere present and within us so we can live a life we truly love.

We are the only creatures on planet earth who can consciously choose to change our Perception about something.

Our physical brain is an amazing switching station that can shift to different frequencies of thought.

Your perception is how you see and interpret the events of life, and perception is always determined by your paradigm. However, you can develop your higher gift of Perception by consciously choosing to align with a higher way of viewing the events of life - by continually looking for the good.

Far from a Pollyanna approach to life, this is a practice of spiritual rigour that yields incalculable benefits and massively increases your access to spiritual power.

In this...

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The Gifts of Grace: Reason


We’re continuing our series on the Gifts of Grace, these amazing faculties that we’ve been gifted with that are our interface with the Infinite Intelligence, whose purpose is to help us literally create anything we want.

Your higher mental faculty of Reason is what you use to continually harmonize yourself with Universal Law. It is the right use of your thinking.

And it turns out that when you truly use your higher spiritual gift of reason, you sometimes act in ways that are anything but reasonable according to conventional thinking!

In this episode of The Grace Space, we'll explore...

  • what True Thinking is, and how few people actually do it (between 1 and 3% of the population) - and how to become part of this elite group of thinkers
  • the difference between True Thinking and mental activity
  • the one thing you must be willing to do if you truly want to merge with your destiny stream
  • the new standard of literacy in the future, and how to get on board with it

I also...

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The Gifts of Grace: Memory


Did you know you have a perfect memory?

Memory is one of our higher mental functions, one of the gifts of divine grace we've been freely given in order to co-create with the Infinite Intelligence so that we can live truly fulfilling lives.

Most people believe their memory is fallible. However, memory is a gift that can be developed. Not only that, you can use your gift of memory in surprising ways.

In this episode of The Grace Space, I help you to achieve a different perspective on your memory so that you can trust it and unlock its power.

You'll learn...

  • why you actually have a perfect memory
  • how simple mnemonic devices can quickly prove to you that your memory is infallible
  • that literally EVERYTHING you've ever experienced is recorded in your subconscious mind - and that you can access it if you know how
  • how to use 'future memory' to become a vibrational match for the life of your dreams and manifest...
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The Gifts of Grace: Intuition


Imagine if you knew there was a power within you, a voice you could ask about anything you want to know, like your own personal genie. What if this voice had the answer to any question you could possibly ask, the solution to every problem you could ever encounter, and knew the path to any dream you could conceive of in your mind?

You do have this power. It's called your intuition.

Intuition is a word most people are familiar with, even if they're not sure what it is exactly, how it works, or if they 'have it'.

In this episode of The Grace Space, you'll learn that you already have perfect intuition. You'll discover:

  • how to access the Infinite Intelligence much as you would ask a question of a search engine
  • why and how we reject information from our intuition, and how to recognize and trust its voice when it speaks to us (which is ALL THE TIME)
  • the relationship between your conscious mind, your subconscious mind, the Infinite...
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The Grace of Gratitude: Evidence of Things Not Seen


In this last episode in our series on the Grace of Gratitude, we're going to look at exactly how gratitude functions inside the technology of conscious manifestation.

There's a lot of talk about the law of attraction and manifesting, and lots of people talking about 'learning how to manifest'. But the truth is, you are already perfect at manifesting, because it's your nature to generate a reality as easily as you breathe. In fact, we don't have a choice in the matter. We are already using the law of attraction and manifesting a reality because we are subject to those laws!

What we can all learn to get better at is creating results we want, rather than results we don't want, and that comes down to our thinking and feeling. The universe can only do for us what it can do through us, and the Creative Power within us can only run through the template we give it, according to our level of awareness.

In this episode, you'll learn how important...

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