When we become aware of Spiritual Law and begin to take responsibility for our creations, we feel a new sense of empowerment. To realize our thinking is at the root of what we manifest in life is also tremendously liberating.
It is still easy to get caught up in striving, however. As we deepen our understanding of the Law through direct experience, we come to realize that we can only create from our current level of awareness.
If we are conceive of the future, our 'dream life', as being 'better' than the present moment, we are trapped in dualistic thinking, and missing the only access point there is for true creativity and intelligence, and our dreams, to enter into our lives: the NOW.
In this episode, you will learn...
Today in The Grace Space I'm happy to introduce you to a friend of mine, Lili Barbery-Coulon. Lili is a teacher of Kundalini Yoga and the author of two books, including Reconciliation: From Body Hatred to Self-Love (Marabout).
Lili worked in the fashion and beauty industry in Paris for 15 years before completely transforming her life in 2016. The former beauty editor at French Vogue and journalist at M, the magazine of Le Monde, Lili is now fully dedicated to sharing the tools that changed her life, and I'm delighted that she's sharing them with you today here in The Grace Space!
You'll learn...
Welcome to the continuation of our series Walk in Grace, where each week we are examining in depth the different facets of Universal Law.
The Law is One, and yet as we discover and deepen our understanding of its different threads of power, we find our spiritual power increasing, and our consciousness opening up to greater and greater horizons.
It is in the study and embodiment of the Laws that we come to value and profoundly respect them, and as we do so we naturally come into harmony with the Law of Obedience.
The Law of Obedience is not subservience to some external or oppressive power. Rather, it is obedience to the Laws of your Being, and what is natural to your True Self.
In this episode, you'll learn
Welcome back to our series Walk in Grace where we're studying the Universal Laws of Creation. Your awareness of these laws and their implementation is essential to your happiness and success in life.
While the Law of Sacrifice might not sound like a whole lotta fun, it's actually a major key to spiritual power, and it's important to remember that we are never asked to give up the greater for the lesser, we are always encouraged to give up the lesser for the greater.
The Law of Sacrifice teaches us to trust that we can let go of what is lesser. That there's more for us than we ever imagined.
It supports us in moving from strength to strength rather than playing small in life.
In today's episode, you'll learn...
Welcome as we continue in our study and discovery of the Universal Laws by which this entire creation operates, and by which we ourselves are operating whether we realize it or not!
Forgiveness is a Law of the Universe, honoured as a main pillar of every spiritual tradition.
It is a radical and powerful way of life that builds a bridge between our finite self and our Infinite Nature.
Forgiveness is sometimes misunderstood as excusing bad behaviour or forgetting about the past, but it's actually a dynamic and cleansing act of self-love that delivers peace of mind and develops spiritual muscle.
In today's episode, you'll learn...
Did you know you have a perfect memory?
Memory is one of our higher mental functions, one of the gifts of divine grace we've been freely given in order to co-create with the Infinite Intelligence so that we can live truly fulfilling lives.
Most people believe their memory is fallible. However, memory is a gift that can be developed. Not only that, you can use your gift of memory in surprising ways.
In this episode of The Grace Space, I help you to achieve a different perspective on your memory so that you can trust it and unlock its power.
You'll learn...
Imagine if you knew there was a power within you, a voice you could ask about anything you want to know, like your own personal genie. What if this voice had the answer to any question you could possibly ask, the solution to every problem you could ever encounter, and knew the path to any dream you could conceive of in your mind?
You do have this power. It's called your intuition.
Intuition is a word most people are familiar with, even if they're not sure what it is exactly, how it works, or if they 'have it'.
In this episode of The Grace Space, you'll learn that you already have perfect intuition. You'll discover:
We all have access to the mind of the Infinite -- in fact, our mind IS the mind of the Infinite. These Gifts of Grace are our interface with the higher mind, and if we learn how to use them, we can access and benefit from the answer to any question, the solution to any problem, and discover the pathway to any dream.
The first gift is your very own imagination -- the workshop of creative genius within you. We all have imagination (even if you think you don't!), but many of us use this extremely powerful gift improperly, and we end up creating results we don't want. Once you realize how your imagination fits into the way you create your reality, you'll be in a much better position to use it consciously and for your highest good.
In this episode, I share with you some experiences in my life as an actress that taught me the power of imagination to affect the subconscious mind -- for better or for worse! Some things I learned, I learned the hard...
In this last episode in our series on the Grace of Gratitude, we're going to look at exactly how gratitude functions inside the technology of conscious manifestation.
There's a lot of talk about the law of attraction and manifesting, and lots of people talking about 'learning how to manifest'. But the truth is, you are already perfect at manifesting, because it's your nature to generate a reality as easily as you breathe. In fact, we don't have a choice in the matter. We are already using the law of attraction and manifesting a reality because we are subject to those laws!
What we can all learn to get better at is creating results we want, rather than results we don't want, and that comes down to our thinking and feeling. The universe can only do for us what it can do through us, and the Creative Power within us can only run through the template we give it, according to our level of awareness.
In this episode, you'll learn how important...
In this episode of The Grace Space, I share with you a story about the time my poverty in gratitude was exposed. It wasn't easy to face, but it revealed the connection between my sense of self-worth and my ability to be grateful, and helped me to heal a lot of shame.
The grace of gratitude is that it's like a magnet that attracts abundance into our experience, and the truth is we may unconsciously resist feeling gratitude because we feel unworthy of all the good that it brings.
During those difficult moments where we feel isolated, abandoned or unworthy, like we have to go it alone, we disconnect from the power of gratitude. But it's a simple matter to...
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