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NOW LIVE Podcast Episode 3

Listen To My Latest Podcast Episode: NOW LIVE Podcast Episode 3

Manifest Grace: Your Marvelous Mind


Manifest Grace is a new series whose purpose is to get into your most intimate creative act: how you manifest your reality, either consciously or unconsciously.

The process of manifestation is a love story between the conscious and subconscious mind. In order to direct this immense power you possess intelligently, you must understand this primal relationship.

In today's episode of The Grace Space, you will learn

  • how to 'impress' your subconscious mind with the images you want to experience in real life
  • why your subconscious mind doesn't know the difference between imagination and reality -- and how that works to your advantage
  • the difference between true, constructive thinking and mental activity, and how to develop discipline in your thinking
  • why it's impossible for you to see other than the contents of your own consciousness, and the role Desire has to play in transcending your current limitations

I also share with you a process that...

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