We’re continuing our series on the Gifts of Grace, these amazing faculties that we’ve been gifted with that are our interface with the Infinite Intelligence, whose purpose is to help us literally create anything we want.
Your higher mental faculty of Reason is what you use to continually harmonize yourself with Universal Law. It is the right use of your thinking.
And it turns out that when you truly use your higher spiritual gift of reason, you sometimes act in ways that are anything but reasonable according to conventional thinking!
In this episode of The Grace Space, we'll explore...
I also...
We all have access to the mind of the Infinite -- in fact, our mind IS the mind of the Infinite. These Gifts of Grace are our interface with the higher mind, and if we learn how to use them, we can access and benefit from the answer to any question, the solution to any problem, and discover the pathway to any dream.
The first gift is your very own imagination -- the workshop of creative genius within you. We all have imagination (even if you think you don't!), but many of us use this extremely powerful gift improperly, and we end up creating results we don't want. Once you realize how your imagination fits into the way you create your reality, you'll be in a much better position to use it consciously and for your highest good.
In this episode, I share with you some experiences in my life as an actress that taught me the power of imagination to affect the subconscious mind -- for better or for worse! Some things I learned, I learned the hard...
In this last episode in our series on the Grace of Gratitude, we're going to look at exactly how gratitude functions inside the technology of conscious manifestation.
There's a lot of talk about the law of attraction and manifesting, and lots of people talking about 'learning how to manifest'. But the truth is, you are already perfect at manifesting, because it's your nature to generate a reality as easily as you breathe. In fact, we don't have a choice in the matter. We are already using the law of attraction and manifesting a reality because we are subject to those laws!
What we can all learn to get better at is creating results we want, rather than results we don't want, and that comes down to our thinking and feeling. The universe can only do for us what it can do through us, and the Creative Power within us can only run through the template we give it, according to our level of awareness.
In this episode, you'll learn how important...
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