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NOW LIVE Podcast Episode 3

Listen To My Latest Podcast Episode: NOW LIVE Podcast Episode 3

Walk in Grace: The Law of Increase


In our series Walk in Grace, each week we’re discovering a new Law among the Universal Laws. These Laws are the key to your freedom, the ability to create a life you absolutely love.

Today we’re going to be talking about one of my favourite Laws, the Law of Increase.

We have two paths we can choose from at any moment in life. One way leads to expansion, the other to contraction.  The way of Increase is the way to a more fulfilling life with every breath. The essence of the law is that whatever we praise, we raise, or increase in our life.

The Law of Increase will unlock unlimited prosperity, joy and creativity for you if you learn how to get into harmony with it. 

In this episode, you'll learn...

  • how to move from being caught in the cycle of disintegration to the thriving in the cycle of creation. The choice is yours!
  • The true meaning of Faith - what it is and what it isn't.
  • How praise causes us and...
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Walk in Grace: The Law of Attraction


A great master of yoga was once asked to define enlightenment. He answered simply, “No stress.” That may seem overly simple at first glance, but it’s actually very profound. Stress is a sign that we’re out of the flow.

Today in The Grace Space: The Law of Attraction.

Wallace Wattles said, "The laws which govern every individual are as exact as the laws which govern the material universe. The Law of Attraction will deliver to you what you do not want as quickly and as certainly as it will deliver what you do want."

Even though many people have heard of the Law of Attraction, that doesn't mean they have any true understanding of it or how to use it to benefit themselves. We're all subject to the Law of Attraction at all times, but if we don't understand it clearly, we often end up attracting what we don't want.

Which is exactly why I created this episode: to help you understand the subtleties of this Law which are often...

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