It's a privilege and a pleasure to welcome our very first guest into The Grace Space. And what a guest!
Today I'm delighted to be speaking with world-renowned wealth, business and manifestation expert as well as the New York Times Best Selling Author Peggy McColl.
As one who truly embodies mastery in manifestation, Peggy has helped people all over the world write the script of their own life and materialize their highest destiny. I've asked her to share some of her secrets with you!
Among other things, you'll learn...
And much more! Plus, Peggy shares the story of how she came to write her most recent book, Savy Wisdom, a...
You can have anything you truly want if you understand the immutable Laws of Creation. In this series Walk in Grace, we're looking at a different facet of the Law each week to help you deepen your understanding so you can gain mastery over your creative powers.
Today we're discovering the Law of Compensation, which will help you actualize the highest version of yourself and realize your highest potential. As you do so, you naturally harmonize with the Law of Compensation, and will be richly rewarded for giving of your highest gifts.
In this episode, you will learn...
In our series Walk in Grace, each week we’re discovering a new Law among the Universal Laws. These Laws are the key to your freedom, the ability to create a life you absolutely love.
Today we’re going to be talking about one of my favourite Laws, the Law of Increase.
We have two paths we can choose from at any moment in life. One way leads to expansion, the other to contraction. The way of Increase is the way to a more fulfilling life with every breath. The essence of the law is that whatever we praise, we raise, or increase in our life.
The Law of Increase will unlock unlimited prosperity, joy and creativity for you if you learn how to get into harmony with it.
In this episode, you'll learn...
Welcome to our current series Walk in Grace where each week we’re looking at the universal laws of life to increase our awareness and gain a level of understanding that will free us to live truly unlimited lives.
This week we're focused on the Law of Receiving.
The truth is, we can’t talk about the Law of Receiving without talking about Giving. We’re only able to receive in proportion to what we give. Therefore, the more we give, the more we can receive.
This is one of these spiritual safeguards within the Law of Life. The spirit of life is always for expansion and fuller expression, and so the more we contribute, the more we give of ourselves in every way that it is possible to give, the more we will receive.
In today's episode you're going to learn...
During this new series Walk in Grace, we’re studying the laws of the universe and how to get into harmony with them. This is the very best thing you can do for yourself, as understanding these laws is crucial to your health, wealth and happiness.
Today in The Grace Space we’re going to explore the Law of Supply.
The essence of the Law of Supply is that there is infinite supply, and you deserve as much of it as you can ask for. Whenever and wherever there is a demand, the supply will always be there, and it is infinite in nature. But to activate the Law of Supply, you have to ASK!
In this episode, you'll learn
There's something holding you back. It's invisible. It's in every cell of your being. And it's been sabotaging you your whole life. Every time you wanted something but you were afraid to go for it. Every time you had an idea that you talked yourself out of. Every time you had a dream that gradually faded away.... it was there.
You were programmed. We were all programmed. And there was nothing we could do about it. Up until now.
Today in The Grace Space we're going to talk about the mental program that's kept you inside a box for as long as you can remember. Everybody's got one. It's called a paradigm, and it's a prison of limitation that no amount of intellect can break you out of.
You can graduate from the best schools with the highest honours, but they didn't give you what you really needed to make your way in life: awareness.
Awareness is your key to transcending your paradigm.
The paradigm is a mental program that has almost...
50% Complete
You deserve to live a life you truly love living. Learn to activate your highest potential now!