Welcome to our current series Walk in Grace where each week we’re looking at the universal laws of life to increase our awareness and gain a level of understanding that will free us to live truly unlimited lives.
This week we're focused on the Law of Receiving.
The truth is, we can’t talk about the Law of Receiving without talking about Giving. We’re only able to receive in proportion to what we give. Therefore, the more we give, the more we can receive.
This is one of these spiritual safeguards within the Law of Life. The spirit of life is always for expansion and fuller expression, and so the more we contribute, the more we give of ourselves in every way that it is possible to give, the more we will receive.
In today's episode you're going to learn...
During this new series Walk in Grace, we’re studying the laws of the universe and how to get into harmony with them. This is the very best thing you can do for yourself, as understanding these laws is crucial to your health, wealth and happiness.
Today in The Grace Space we’re going to explore the Law of Supply.
The essence of the Law of Supply is that there is infinite supply, and you deserve as much of it as you can ask for. Whenever and wherever there is a demand, the supply will always be there, and it is infinite in nature. But to activate the Law of Supply, you have to ASK!
In this episode, you'll learn
Welcome to a brand new series on The Grace Space! I'm so excited to kick off a power-packed introduction to the Laws of the Universe called Walk in Grace.
And that's exactly what you'll learn to do through this series, walk in grace, in harmony with the laws of Creation. We’re going to be looking at a bunch of different universal laws, how they work, and how to get in harmony with them, because once you do, your life is going to flow with so much more ease and grace.
What are the Universal Laws? Simply put, they are immutable principles that form the process by which the invisible becomes the visible. And they are your key to health, wealth, and true happiness.
My aim through this series is to increase your fluency with these laws by which you create your reality so that you can become the conscious creator of your life. Today we begin with the Law of Thinking.
In this episode you'll learn
Here we are in our last episode in the series The Gifts of Grace.
We’ve been studying the higher mental faculties, spiritual gifts that we’ve all been given so that we may communicate with the Infinite Intelligence which is everywhere present and within us so we can live a life we truly love.
We are the only creatures on planet earth who can consciously choose to change our Perception about something.
Our physical brain is an amazing switching station that can shift to different frequencies of thought.
Your perception is how you see and interpret the events of life, and perception is always determined by your paradigm. However, you can develop your higher gift of Perception by consciously choosing to align with a higher way of viewing the events of life - by continually looking for the good.
Far from a Pollyanna approach to life, this is a practice of spiritual rigour that yields incalculable benefits and massively increases your access to spiritual power.
In this...
We’re continuing our series on the Gifts of Grace, these amazing faculties that we’ve been gifted with that are our interface with the Infinite Intelligence, whose purpose is to help us literally create anything we want.
Your higher mental faculty of Reason is what you use to continually harmonize yourself with Universal Law. It is the right use of your thinking.
And it turns out that when you truly use your higher spiritual gift of reason, you sometimes act in ways that are anything but reasonable according to conventional thinking!
In this episode of The Grace Space, we'll explore...
I also...
Did you know you have a perfect memory?
Memory is one of our higher mental functions, one of the gifts of divine grace we've been freely given in order to co-create with the Infinite Intelligence so that we can live truly fulfilling lives.
Most people believe their memory is fallible. However, memory is a gift that can be developed. Not only that, you can use your gift of memory in surprising ways.
In this episode of The Grace Space, I help you to achieve a different perspective on your memory so that you can trust it and unlock its power.
You'll learn...
We all have access to the mind of the Infinite -- in fact, our mind IS the mind of the Infinite. These Gifts of Grace are our interface with the higher mind, and if we learn how to use them, we can access and benefit from the answer to any question, the solution to any problem, and discover the pathway to any dream.
The first gift is your very own imagination -- the workshop of creative genius within you. We all have imagination (even if you think you don't!), but many of us use this extremely powerful gift improperly, and we end up creating results we don't want. Once you realize how your imagination fits into the way you create your reality, you'll be in a much better position to use it consciously and for your highest good.
In this episode, I share with you some experiences in my life as an actress that taught me the power of imagination to affect the subconscious mind -- for better or for worse! Some things I learned, I learned the hard...
In this episode of The Grace Space, I share with you a story about the time my poverty in gratitude was exposed. It wasn't easy to face, but it revealed the connection between my sense of self-worth and my ability to be grateful, and helped me to heal a lot of shame.
The grace of gratitude is that it's like a magnet that attracts abundance into our experience, and the truth is we may unconsciously resist feeling gratitude because we feel unworthy of all the good that it brings.
During those difficult moments where we feel isolated, abandoned or unworthy, like we have to go it alone, we disconnect from the power of gratitude. But it's a simple matter to...
Gratitude as a way of life is an evolving, growing, life-giving relationship with all that is. A gratitude that simply IS.
This constant interactive gratitude in relationship to the Power that breathes us is based on our focus. We’re focused on giving thanks, no matter what. When we get to a certain level of fluency (that just means ‘flow’ right?), we flow with gratitude.
When we enter into the flow of gratitude, it leads to perpetual increase, because gratitude is on the same frequency as abundance! The more you give thanks to the spirit of life, the more the spirit of life will give you to be thankful for.
We often think of gratitude in terms of receiving, but actually, we can come to realize a deeper truth about gratitude: gratitude is giving.
In this episode, we explore together one of Wallace Wattles' key power quotes from his classic, The Science of Getting Rich, and what this has to do with the practice of gratitude. You'll learn:
Most of us are familiar with the kind of ordinary gratitude we’re taught as children as a matter of etiquette and politeness – the importance of saying thank you when we receive something, like a gift or a compliment, for example.
But there's a whole other level of gratitude that is generative, literally creative. It has the power to open our hearts and expand our lives. It can literally change the reality that we experience. We could call this Transformative Gratitude.
In this episode, I share a personal memory of my own spontaneous experience of transformative gratitude, and how to access this level of gratitude. You'll discover:
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