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NOW LIVE Podcast Episode 3

Listen To My Latest Podcast Episode: NOW LIVE Podcast Episode 3

Walk in Grace: The Law of Success



The Law of Success helps you to change your perception of yourself and your capacities. When you realize you were designed for success, and that success is the universe's intention for you, you can relax into knowing that everything is FOR you.

To come into harmony with the Law of Success, you must have a desire to succeed. And a desire to succeed comes from having a vision for your life -- some ideal to aspire to that represents a life you would truly love living.

In today's episode, you'll learn...

  • how the universe has naturally wired us for success and spiritual growth, and how to lean into that natural tendency
  • that you are guaranteed to succeed, and that failure is part of that guarantee
  • why it’s no more work to go after a big win than it is to go after a smaller one 
  • why knowing 'how' to achieve your dream is not required -- actually it's none of your business!

And much more. I also include a practice to help you align with your naturally successful...

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Walk in Grace: The Law of Obedience



Welcome to the continuation of our series Walk in Grace, where each week we are examining in depth the different facets of Universal Law.

The Law is One, and yet as we discover and deepen our understanding of its different threads of power, we find our spiritual power increasing, and our consciousness opening up to greater and greater horizons.

It is in the study and embodiment of the Laws that we come to value and profoundly respect them, and as we do so we naturally come into harmony with the Law of Obedience.

The Law of Obedience is not subservience to some external or oppressive power. Rather, it is obedience to the Laws of your Being, and what is natural to your True Self.

In this episode, you'll learn

  • why 'living rightly', in harmony with the Law, has nothing to do with morality
  • to see through appearances of chaos or disorder to the Truth of perfect harmony and order
  • how to distinguish between what is 'normal' and what is 'natural'
  • the importance of...
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Walk in Grace: The Law of Forgiveness


Welcome as we continue in our study and discovery of the Universal Laws by which this entire creation operates, and by which we ourselves are operating whether we realize it or not!

Forgiveness is a Law of the Universe, honoured as a main pillar of every spiritual tradition. 
It is a radical and powerful way of life that builds a bridge between our finite self and our Infinite Nature. 

Forgiveness is sometimes misunderstood as excusing bad behaviour or forgetting about the past, but it's actually a dynamic and cleansing act of self-love that delivers peace of mind and develops spiritual muscle.

In today's episode, you'll learn...

  • why forgiveness is a principal tool in the dissolution of karma  (which is really just another word for paradigm)!
  • what forgiveness ISN'T
  • why it's so essential to have a vision for your life and the role that vision plays in your ability to forgive
  • to take the curse off a very loaded word -- sin -- by considering it from a more...
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Walk in Grace: The Law of Non-Resistance


I created The Grace Space to give you a place to harmonize your thinking with Truth. This series Walk in Grace focuses on the immutable Laws of the universe which govern all creation. As you fall in love with these Laws, you fall in love with yourself.

Today we're discovering the Law of Non-Resistance, which is about surrender to the flow of life. Resistance always sets up an opposing force, against which you will inevitably find yourself struggling, and the more you struggle against the thing we don’t want, the greater it grows.

Here's what you're going to learn:

  • how resistance most commonly shows up
  • the difference between reacting to life and responding to life, and why we all benefit from cultivating our response-ability
  • why the war on drugs/terror/cancer/anything never works
  • how to work with seeming obstacles and opposition 

And lots more! I share with you a personal story about what a New York City bus ride taught me about going with the flow, and give you a...

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Walk in Grace: The Law of Compensation


You can have anything you truly want if you understand the immutable Laws of Creation. In this series Walk in Grace, we're looking at a different facet of the Law each week to help you deepen your understanding so you can gain mastery over your creative powers.

Today we're discovering the Law of Compensation, which will help you actualize the highest version of yourself and realize your highest potential. As you do so, you naturally harmonize with the Law of Compensation, and will be richly rewarded for giving of your highest gifts.

In this episode, you will learn...

  • you are always compensated by the universe in all areas of life proportionate to your service to others in alignment with your true purpose
  • how the Law of Compensation teaches you to lift yourself up from where you are now to where you rightfully belong as a child of the Creator
  • the two 'investments' you make every day that will always bring you into harmony with the Law of...
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Walk in Grace: The Law of Increase


In our series Walk in Grace, each week we’re discovering a new Law among the Universal Laws. These Laws are the key to your freedom, the ability to create a life you absolutely love.

Today we’re going to be talking about one of my favourite Laws, the Law of Increase.

We have two paths we can choose from at any moment in life. One way leads to expansion, the other to contraction.  The way of Increase is the way to a more fulfilling life with every breath. The essence of the law is that whatever we praise, we raise, or increase in our life.

The Law of Increase will unlock unlimited prosperity, joy and creativity for you if you learn how to get into harmony with it. 

In this episode, you'll learn...

  • how to move from being caught in the cycle of disintegration to the thriving in the cycle of creation. The choice is yours!
  • The true meaning of Faith - what it is and what it isn't.
  • How praise causes us and...
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Walk in Grace: The Law of Receiving



Welcome to our current series Walk in Grace where each week we’re looking at the universal laws of life to increase our awareness and gain a level of understanding that will free us to live truly unlimited lives.

This week we're focused on the Law of Receiving.

The truth is, we can’t talk about the Law of Receiving without talking about Giving.  We’re only able to receive in proportion to what we give. Therefore, the more we give, the more we can receive.

This is one of these spiritual safeguards within the Law of Life. The spirit of life is always for expansion and fuller expression, and so the more we contribute, the more we give of ourselves in every way that it is possible to give, the more we will receive.

In today's episode you're going to learn...

  • how a society of 'consumers' can only be based on scarcity consciousness, and how to heal that consciousness within ourselves and as a collective
  • ...
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Walk in Grace: The Law of Attraction


A great master of yoga was once asked to define enlightenment. He answered simply, “No stress.” That may seem overly simple at first glance, but it’s actually very profound. Stress is a sign that we’re out of the flow.

Today in The Grace Space: The Law of Attraction.

Wallace Wattles said, "The laws which govern every individual are as exact as the laws which govern the material universe. The Law of Attraction will deliver to you what you do not want as quickly and as certainly as it will deliver what you do want."

Even though many people have heard of the Law of Attraction, that doesn't mean they have any true understanding of it or how to use it to benefit themselves. We're all subject to the Law of Attraction at all times, but if we don't understand it clearly, we often end up attracting what we don't want.

Which is exactly why I created this episode: to help you understand the subtleties of this Law which are often...

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