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NOW LIVE Podcast Episode 3

Listen To My Latest Podcast Episode: NOW LIVE Podcast Episode 3

The Grace Space with Alison Wearing: Holding Your Story With Grace


In this interview with my good friend Alison Wearing, we explore how to make sense of our lives through the act of writing, and ultimately, transcend the stories that have defined us so that we can be free to become truly the authors of our own lives.

Alison is a bestselling, multiple award-winning writer, playwright and performer -- a multi-talented adventurer with deep insight into the transformational process.

Join our conversation where we discuss...

  • why we (and especially women) feel compelled to write our own stories
  • how the rigour of good writing can free us from distortion and projection
  • the use of the creative imagination to manifest a reality through the page
  • how writing about the past can initiate a healing process and change the future

"The work we need to do to create great art is actually the same work we need to do to become a fuller, richer, more expansive human being”, Alison says. This goes to the heart of our illuminating and inspiring...

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Manifest Grace: Ego and I AM


The manifest world unfolds automatically around us according to our dominant state of consciousness, and what is held in mind tends to appear in our reality.

To manifest consciously is not only to become aware of and direct thought in a focused and intentional way, but also to realize that whatever we materialize from the personal self, severed from the deeper dimension of Being, will not satisfy us for long.

In this episode in our series Manifest Grace, you will gain greater awareness of...

  • where your true Source of Supply originates, and how to access it
  • what the ego is, how not to take it too seriously or personally, whether it's operating in yourself or in another
  • why 'getting what you want' is never enough and only increases suffering
  • how little you actually have to DO in order to live in harmony with the Laws of life, and how to shift paradigms from doing to being

And much more in this rich episode.

You'll find relief here from ...

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Choose Your New Frequency with Kristina Furia


My guest in The Grace Space today is Transformation Coach Kristina Furia of Your New Frequency.

Kristina spent the first ten years of her career as a mental health counselor and psychotherapist before realizing her true calling as a transformational teacher and coach.

I’ve asked her to talk about the part of us that can never lie: the vibrational level of our being, our frequency, and how that frequency determines our experience, as well as how to shift our frequency so that we can change our results in life.

Among other things, you'll learn...

  • Kristina's practical and actionable techniques for helping  you manifest a life of greater ease
  • how to move to a new frequency and embody a new energetic signature without denying or repressing 'negative' emotions
  • how to achieve emotional mastery through the physics of transformation

One of my favourite things Kristina said during our interview was "There will be a day where not...

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Manifest Grace: If Not NOW, When?


When we become aware of Spiritual Law and begin to take responsibility for our creations, we feel a new sense of empowerment. To realize our thinking is at the root of what we manifest in life is also tremendously liberating.

It is still easy to get caught up in striving, however. As we deepen our understanding of the Law through direct experience, we come to realize that we can only create from our current level of awareness.

If we are conceive of the future, our 'dream life', as being 'better' than the present moment, we are trapped in dualistic thinking, and missing the only access point there is for true creativity and intelligence, and our dreams, to enter into our lives: the NOW.

In this episode, you will learn...

  • why the NOW is the only point of power, and how to access that dimension within yourself
  • why the egoic self will do anything to avoid the NOW
  • to sense the deeper dimension of You which underlies the conditioned self with its...
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Journey to the Grace of Self-Love with Lili Barbery-Coulon


Today in The Grace Space I'm happy to introduce you to a friend of mine, Lili Barbery-Coulon.  Lili is a teacher of Kundalini Yoga and the author of two books, including Reconciliation: From Body Hatred to Self-Love (Marabout). 
Lili worked in the fashion and beauty industry in Paris for 15 years before completely transforming her life in 2016. The former beauty editor at French Vogue and journalist at M, the magazine of Le Monde, Lili is now fully dedicated to sharing the tools that changed her life, and I'm delighted that she's sharing them with you today here in The Grace Space!

You'll learn...

  • about Lili's journey to success in the upper echelons of the Paris beauty and fashion industry -- and how it failed to bring her happiness
  • how she learned to transform egoic distortions into spiritual presence through the practice of Kundalini Yoga and meditation
  • how to hold negative feelings and self-judgment with compassion and develop...
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I'm a Channel... and so are YOU! With Daniel Scranton


I'm delighted to introduce you to Daniel Scranton, someone who truly exemplifies the spiritual principle of 'changing the channel'.

Daniel is a verbal channel, spiritual teacher and sound healer. He also discovered an ability to channel light languages, and healing overtones, and he has used this ability to help others heal themselves and manifest the reality they desire. So you can see why he's right up our alley in The Grace Space!

We had a fascinating conversation, during which you'll learn...

  • what channeling is and how Daniel became a channel
  • why anyone has the ability to channel and tune into different frequencies of consciousness
  • how to appreciate and become more aware of your nature as a multidimensional being
  • that you have access to ALL information in any point of time/space
  • who's out there... and why they care about us

Plus, you'll learn Daniel's recommendation for the single most important thing you can do to raise your vibration. 

Daniel really makes...

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Walk in Grace: The Law of Success



The Law of Success helps you to change your perception of yourself and your capacities. When you realize you were designed for success, and that success is the universe's intention for you, you can relax into knowing that everything is FOR you.

To come into harmony with the Law of Success, you must have a desire to succeed. And a desire to succeed comes from having a vision for your life -- some ideal to aspire to that represents a life you would truly love living.

In today's episode, you'll learn...

  • how the universe has naturally wired us for success and spiritual growth, and how to lean into that natural tendency
  • that you are guaranteed to succeed, and that failure is part of that guarantee
  • why it’s no more work to go after a big win than it is to go after a smaller one 
  • why knowing 'how' to achieve your dream is not required -- actually it's none of your business!

And much more. I also include a practice to help you align with your naturally successful...

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Walk in Grace: The Law of Obedience



Welcome to the continuation of our series Walk in Grace, where each week we are examining in depth the different facets of Universal Law.

The Law is One, and yet as we discover and deepen our understanding of its different threads of power, we find our spiritual power increasing, and our consciousness opening up to greater and greater horizons.

It is in the study and embodiment of the Laws that we come to value and profoundly respect them, and as we do so we naturally come into harmony with the Law of Obedience.

The Law of Obedience is not subservience to some external or oppressive power. Rather, it is obedience to the Laws of your Being, and what is natural to your True Self.

In this episode, you'll learn

  • why 'living rightly', in harmony with the Law, has nothing to do with morality
  • to see through appearances of chaos or disorder to the Truth of perfect harmony and order
  • how to distinguish between what is 'normal' and what is 'natural'
  • the importance of...
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Walk in Grace: The Law of Sacrifice



Welcome back to our series Walk in Grace where we're studying the Universal Laws of Creation. Your awareness of these laws and their implementation is essential to your happiness and success in life.

While the Law of Sacrifice might not sound like a whole lotta fun, it's actually a major key to spiritual power, and it's important to remember that we are never asked to give up the greater for the lesser, we are always encouraged to give up the lesser for the greater.

The Law of Sacrifice teaches us to trust that we can let go of what is lesser. That there's more for us than we ever imagined. 

It supports us in moving from strength to strength rather than playing small in life.

In today's episode, you'll learn...

  • not to confuse drama with Life
  • why the desire for discipline is the beginning of wisdom
  • why sacrifice is never about deprivation
  • how to build trust in yourself with discipline
  • why you MUST have a vision to benefit from the Law of...
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Walk in Grace: The Law of Forgiveness


Welcome as we continue in our study and discovery of the Universal Laws by which this entire creation operates, and by which we ourselves are operating whether we realize it or not!

Forgiveness is a Law of the Universe, honoured as a main pillar of every spiritual tradition. 
It is a radical and powerful way of life that builds a bridge between our finite self and our Infinite Nature. 

Forgiveness is sometimes misunderstood as excusing bad behaviour or forgetting about the past, but it's actually a dynamic and cleansing act of self-love that delivers peace of mind and develops spiritual muscle.

In today's episode, you'll learn...

  • why forgiveness is a principal tool in the dissolution of karma  (which is really just another word for paradigm)!
  • what forgiveness ISN'T
  • why it's so essential to have a vision for your life and the role that vision plays in your ability to forgive
  • to take the curse off a very loaded word -- sin -- by considering it from a more...
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