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NOW LIVE Podcast Episode 3

Listen To My Latest Podcast Episode: NOW LIVE Podcast Episode 3

Walk in Grace: The Law of Thinking


Welcome to a brand new series on The Grace Space! I'm so excited to kick off a power-packed introduction to the Laws of the Universe called Walk in Grace.

And that's exactly what you'll learn to do through this series, walk in grace, in harmony with the laws of Creation. We’re going to be looking at a bunch of different universal laws, how they work, and how to get in harmony with them, because once you do, your life is going to flow with so much more ease and grace.

What are the Universal Laws? Simply put, they are immutable principles that form the process by which the invisible becomes the visible. And they are your key to health, wealth, and true happiness.

My aim through this series is to increase your fluency with these laws by which you create your reality so that you can become the conscious creator of your life. Today we begin with the Law of Thinking.

In this episode you'll learn

  • why taking charge of your...
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Will Your Dream Materialize? Two Determining Factors

blog Dec 19, 2020

A middle-aged man walked into a bank. He approached the teller and asked, “Will you cash this check?”
The teller looked at the check. “Well sure, I can cash the check. Just put your name on the back of it, hand it to me, and I will give you the money.”

The man stumbled back and said, “Whoa, wait a minute! I don’t want to put my name on the back of that check and hand it to you. You’ll be holding my check with my name on it and you might decide not to give me the money.”
“Well Sir, no,” the Teller said, “How it works is you have to put your name on the back of the check before I can give you the money. It’s a banking policy.”
“I understand that,” the man replied, “But I want you to understand how I feel. It makes me very nervous to think that you’ll be holding my check and you might decide not to give me the money.”
“Sir, I will give you the money, but you have to go...

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There's something holding you back. It's invisible. It's in every cell of your being. And it's been sabotaging you your whole life.  Every time you wanted something but you were afraid to go for it.  Every time you had an idea that you talked yourself out of. Every time you had a dream that gradually faded away.... it was there.

You were programmed. We were all programmed. And there was nothing we could do about it. Up until now.

Today in The Grace Space we're going to talk about the mental program that's kept you inside a box for as long as you can remember. Everybody's got one. It's called a paradigm, and it's a prison of limitation that no amount of intellect can break you out of.

You can graduate from the best schools with the highest honours, but they didn't give you what you really needed to make your way in life: awareness.

Awareness is your key to transcending your paradigm.

The paradigm is a mental program that has almost...

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Increasing Your Sense of Deserving

blog Dec 12, 2020

In order to manifest our dreams, we need to align our self-image with the life we would love living. If your sense of deserving isn’t wide and deep enough to hold your dream, you will fall short.

How do you know if you deserve your dream? If you are breathing, you deserve to have your heart’s desire. Simply by virtue of you being alive, you are worthy and deserving of your dream.

You wouldn’t feel the longing if you didn’t have the capacity to manifest your dream. Here are three keys to increasing your sense of deserving:

  1. Focus on the good.
    Circumstances are bad only if we perceive them as such. Instead of panicking when life appears to throw you a curve, wait and invite the Infinite Intelligence to reveal the good. Then give yourself the same benefit of the doubt. You are naturally good because the One created you.
  2. Let go of past mistakes.
    It’s hard to move confidently into the life you have imagined if you are lugging deadweight. When you persist in...
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The Gifts of Grace: Perception


Here we are in our last episode in the series The Gifts of Grace.

We’ve been studying the higher mental faculties, spiritual gifts that we’ve all been given so that we may communicate with the Infinite Intelligence which is everywhere present and within us so we can live a life we truly love.

We are the only creatures on planet earth who can consciously choose to change our Perception about something.

Our physical brain is an amazing switching station that can shift to different frequencies of thought.

Your perception is how you see and interpret the events of life, and perception is always determined by your paradigm. However, you can develop your higher gift of Perception by consciously choosing to align with a higher way of viewing the events of life - by continually looking for the good.

Far from a Pollyanna approach to life, this is a practice of spiritual rigour that yields incalculable benefits and massively increases your access to spiritual power.

In this...

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Accessing Your Genius

blog Dec 05, 2020

There was a study done recently at Harvard called the Zero Point Study. It was a ten-year study on genius. The genius capacity is demonstrated by certain individuals who bring forth great ideas, transformational thinking, movement, social change, and innovative thinking that transform and transpose us to a whole new level of living.

What is this capacity?

The researchers began to define genius as the number of modalities with which a person takes in information, synthesizes that information, and makes use of it. So you and I have many modalities with which we can take in information — aurally, visually, kinesthetically, intuitively, etc…

But what they discovered was that 99% of babies—99% of you and me–operate at a genius capacity during the first eighteen months of life. By the time we are five, only 22% of us are still operating at our genius capacity. By the time we are twenty, only 2% of us are still operating at a genius capacity. What happens to us?


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The Gifts of Grace: Reason


We’re continuing our series on the Gifts of Grace, these amazing faculties that we’ve been gifted with that are our interface with the Infinite Intelligence, whose purpose is to help us literally create anything we want.

Your higher mental faculty of Reason is what you use to continually harmonize yourself with Universal Law. It is the right use of your thinking.

And it turns out that when you truly use your higher spiritual gift of reason, you sometimes act in ways that are anything but reasonable according to conventional thinking!

In this episode of The Grace Space, we'll explore...

  • what True Thinking is, and how few people actually do it (between 1 and 3% of the population) - and how to become part of this elite group of thinkers
  • the difference between True Thinking and mental activity
  • the one thing you must be willing to do if you truly want to merge with your destiny stream
  • the new standard of literacy in the future, and how to get on board with it

I also...

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Four Steps to Activating Your Abundance

blog Nov 28, 2020

Good news: you get to choose what kind of life you are going to live.
Some people live ninety years; some people live one year ninety times. You can live a life ruled by discontent and unsettledness, or you can live a life overflowing with abundance.

What kind of life are you willing to live?

Step 1: Ask yourself whether you are willing to live in abundance.
There are two houses, one with electricity and one without. The wires are available to them both, but only those in the lit house have figured out how to hook themselves up. Those in the lit house are not “lucky.” They are simply plugged into the laws of electricity.
In the same way, people who achieve success in life are not lucky. Wellbeing and a sense of full aliveness are not accidental. Everything works according to Law. The people who live in an ever-improving state of wellbeing do things a certain way. They have learned the secrets of the universal law, and they practice them with ever-greater skill...

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The Gifts of Grace: Memory


Did you know you have a perfect memory?

Memory is one of our higher mental functions, one of the gifts of divine grace we've been freely given in order to co-create with the Infinite Intelligence so that we can live truly fulfilling lives.

Most people believe their memory is fallible. However, memory is a gift that can be developed. Not only that, you can use your gift of memory in surprising ways.

In this episode of The Grace Space, I help you to achieve a different perspective on your memory so that you can trust it and unlock its power.

You'll learn...

  • why you actually have a perfect memory
  • how simple mnemonic devices can quickly prove to you that your memory is infallible
  • that literally EVERYTHING you've ever experienced is recorded in your subconscious mind - and that you can access it if you know how
  • how to use 'future memory' to become a vibrational match for the life of your dreams and manifest...
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Honour Your Discontent

blog Nov 21, 2020

We don’t always know what our life’s purpose or journey is supposed to be, or we may have so many dreams that we are overwhelmed with them all. However, one thing is for sure: if we are feeling restless or discontented, we are not living our dreams! Feelings of discontent and longings for something else, even when we don’t know for sure toward what we are being drawn, are actually calls from God to pursue our greater good. We discover true desire by first noticing discontent.

When you experience discontent or feel restless and you’re not sure why, don’t shut it out just because you don’t know what it means. When you shut off your yearnings you become numb and paralyzed to create something more interesting. Bring those inner rumblings to the front of your mind for examination. These rumblings are nudging you toward a more meaningful existence and urging you not to settle for mediocrity. By opening yourself up to them for examination, you are...

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